Credits for Make Your Own Italy Cards is based on an original idea by James Whiting. Below are details of all the images used in our free Italy E-postcards.

The following images were obtained from

This image was created by Pascal Gross.

Animated Italian flag does not identify the creators of the following images.

The head of a Roman lady A Roman lady with a cat A Roman man A Roman man in a toga A Roman man A Roman soldier with a round shield A Roman soldier with a rectangular shield A Roman woman A Roman woman A Roman woman from behind A Roman woman in a red cloak A Roman gladiator from behind A Roman gladiator A friendly Roman gladiator Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘helicopter’ Leonardo da Vinci Marco Polo Galileo Julius Caesar Julius Caesar with knives stabbing into his back Brutus stabbing Caesar

These images are from WP Clipart and are in the public domain.

Botticelli’s Birth of Venus painting The Colosseum in Rome Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper’ A Genoese Carrack ship The coat of arms of the city of Turin The flag of Padania The flag of Sicily The flag of Turin A detail from Michelangelo’s ‘The Creation of Adam’ Some spaghetti and vegetables Some pasta A slice of pizza The Colosseum in Rome

This image was created by Juan Carlos Calpe Calpe and is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.

A statue of Archimedes

The first of these maps was created by Sinigagl, while the second was derived from it. Both are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Licence.

A map of Italy, showing regional divisions A an outline of Italy

All of the images below were obtained from the Open Clip Art Library and are in the public domain.

The war flag of Venice A symbol of Florence A gelato cone Stripes based on the Italian flag An ice cream cone An ancient Italian lighthouse A laurel crown The leaning tower of Pisa The Colosseum in Rome A gondola in Venice A cup of Italian coffee An Italian coffee maker A Roman clock A Roman emperor in white with a laurel crown A Roman soldier with a spear and shield A Milan tram The Italian flag A Roman man in a toga A laurel wreath

Finally, our favicon Italian flag is courtesy of Favicons R Us.

I’m very grateful to all the people who have made their images available – this website would not have been possible without their generosity.

If you have any questions, please email is Copyright © 2010-2012 Mike – All Rights Reserved